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Patient Testimonial: Post Abortion Stress Syndrome and Associated Effects

"I really didn’t know how to start this testimonial for Jonny’s work. I am not a person who usually has a problem finding words nor to express my feelings. But working with Jonny is an unbelievable experience. So I think I want to introduce myself first. I am a 32 year old girl from Germany, who has struggled in life because of several issues. The biggest event has been the trauma associated with the inability to handle the abortion of my child which literally changed my life.

It feels like it has been the eye opener for my ego to finally connect to my body and soul. I didn’t know why but I quit my job, left everything behind for walking on the “Camino de Santiago” in Spain. My spirit was lost after the abortion and I wanted to find it again. Before I met Jonny I met a beautiful soul sister on the walk. She is wonderful in every way and a woman with so much truth and love. Last year in October I visited her in Sheffield and because of me still struggling in life, she recommended Jonny and his herbs. Trusting her deeply I had my first consultation during that visit. I thought the journey on the “Camino de Santiago” healed me from my
traumas but then I met the herbalist. It feels like the journey was a preparation and clean-up for what would come next in my life. It told me to forgive myself for what I did and to forgive the people who hurt me. And then I continued my journey with a new chapter: guided by Jonny and the herbs. It became a crazy route to my inner self, my real me as a woman.

Working with herbs isn’t easy and it is challenging as every therapy, I know that because I had one before. But the huge and main difference is this “being seen”. I not only had traumas and a numbness in my womb after the abortion, rather I had blemished skin, digestion problems, thrombosis (2 times), tinnitus and self-doubt as you have no idea. Jonny has been the first “doc” who really talked to me, listened to me, saw me and believed in what I said. I felt taken seriously and his conclusion was right. So I started the journey and took my herbs and oh yeah, the inner pain finally came out.

I am so thankful for this journey, because I am standing today in front of my mirror and I see the woman. My true self. And guess what, I love what I see. My body and soul feels itself peacefully, they are once again talking to each other, finally. Jonny, thank you for being such a wonderful person, who lives his vocation with passion and heart. Don’t you ever think to quit because the world needs you. Thank you for taking care and for seeing “the human” behind “the being”. My journey with the herbs is almost there, and I am looking forward to what is yet to come.

Dear reader, I literally walked through fog, pain and confusion. At last, I am seeing the beauty of life and the happiness of being a human again. Thankfulness has a whole new meaning for me, because I feel blessed to wake up, and to feel the breath in my lungs.

Life is a bitter sweet symphony and I love to taste both with gratitude."

Nadine Dull


This patient was experiencing a deep inner numbness in her womb that had appeared after her abortion. Her mood, digestion and menstrual cycle were all altered and needed help to balance. Within one year the numbness has now disappeared, her menstrual cycle is now regular with minimal pain and her emotions now feel in control. Nadine has helped me understand the pain and trauma of what an abortion can mean for a woman.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

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