Empowering your patients

Patient Testimonial: Acne, Addiction, Depression and Anxiety

“It is with deeply felt gratitude that I am writing about my herbal journey and the healing that Jonny has brought into my life.

As I started, I lacked a sense of self and my connection with my masculine energies. Moreover, I lacked clear boundaries in general.

The symptoms were a truly messed up biome in my guts which lead to more mental and physical issues.

On the one hand, I had terrible acne, which reminded me of the wounds and inflammations which not yet have healed.

On the other hand, I was displaying a lot of spiritually incontinent behaviour such as eating lots of sugary food and having lots of casual sex.

Having no orientation but the certainty that my life had to change in some way, I lived in constant fear.

The process: The first appointment that I had with Jonny seemed very similar to the experience which I had with my former therapists. 

As a result, I was a little sceptical since a lot of issues I still had not been able to resolve yet through psychoanalytical and behavioural therapy which I already had made at that point.

So I got my first tincture a few days later, and I was no longer allowed to have caffeine after the morning.

My old way of life came to an end and there now was a big free space which I needed to integrate into my new life.

Through all of this, Jonny provided me with sound advice and new and healthy modes of being and coping mechanisms.

My fear transformed into anger, and I finally got the energy required to end my life in the comfort zone and entering the new and fruitful territory.

I joined a men's group and thus felt a sense of belonging and started to not only help myself but also helping others and became an active member of society.

Also my skin not just looked better, but it became less and less itchy, and I started to like the man I saw in the mirror.

Especially in such times of profound changes, we need a pure and strong basis upon which we can build our lives.

Jonny has helped me to do exactly that.

I assure you that he is worth every penny you will spend on him because:

  • He is committed to his work.

  • He is honest with his patients.

  • He is genuinely open-minded and wants to get a better understanding of his patients.

  • He delivers his work on time.

  • He keeps all his promises.

  • He wants to see his patients flourish.

  • He is understanding of his clients' issues and challenges.

  • He is joyful when he sees his patients succeed in life.

So if you are still struggling with issues, you have not been able to cope with get your free trial on his website and get a taste of what your life could be!”

Paul (Germany)

Paul was referred to me by a previous patient who recommended he work with me. We connected over Skype and Paul decided he wanted to commit to my program. We went through an analysis of his physical and psychological symptoms, trying to understand how his past history and current situation are all connected.

Alongside the herbal support Paul was open to engaging in numerous activities, challenges or tasks to help nudge him into a more authentic, vulnerable and ultimately integrated place. I witnessed the transformation from start to finish as he became healthier, fitter, stronger and ore aligned with a greater purpose in life.

Paul, you are a courageous man and I wish you well on your path.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Severe depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and fatigue

“When I first came to Jonny for treatment I had quite severe depression and really unpredictable energy levels. I had lost all confidence from having such a low mood and my business had taken the brunt of me never being able to find enough energy to carry out the work that needed to be done. I was also battling with PTSD from a couple of past experiences, amongst which included grief. All in all I wasn't in a good way and I couldn't imagine how vastly the treatment I received would change my life for the better. I still don't to this day even really understand how it worked and am still finding small clues that I am continuing on an upward trajectory months after the treatment has ended. It really has been quite magical.

It has taken me quite a long time to write my testimonial as I have found it hard to put into words the amazing care that Jonny puts into his work and also how grateful I am for his ongoing support. I have gone from being totally lost in the dark to having a warm, bright light shine into all areas of my life that has come from all the plants along the journey.

It took a little while of calming my body down out of its highly stressed state and then slowly the treatments evolved into giving me physical strength and confidence to carry on. Each month a different collection of plants to cater to the changing landscape. I have now managed to move out of depression and I no longer suffer from PTSD. And as for my energy levels, well I have managed to set up my business to be more functional, creative and abundant than ever before!

Alongside the monthly therapy I had with Jonny I also went to a weekly counsellor to talk through everything that was coming up through the process of healing. I would highly reccomend doing this as it meant I was constantly healing each emotion and pattern, confronting it all head on. Jonny is a very good person to talk to; he is warm, open and understanding of even the smallest experiences you might feel you need to talk about. He really understands how to work with the herbs in a unique way for each person, to bring you out of your shell and direct you on a path that brings you into alignment with yourself.”


This patient came into clinic suffering with an array of mental health problems that were causing them to suffer. Deep wounds of the past were interfering with everyday life and stopping this patient from fully delving into their business and self-employment.

The patient responded rapidly to treatment and whilst it was obviously very challenging having to visit memories of the past, it needed to happen so that those memories could be efficiently processed and integrated back into the psyche.

This was clearly a profound healing journey with which an incredible expansion of creativity, business momentum, improvement in mood and a more gentle, calm perception of the past came shining through. It was a very touching transformation to witness.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Empowering your patients through the 'Locus of control'

It struck me recently how most of my work with patients these days is centered around using herbs for improving a patient’s perception of their situation and the control that they can take back in reclaiming a power within to move forward with their illness. Far too often i see people who suffer with mental or physical illness yet seem incapable of recognising how disempowered they are with their situation and how much of that disempowerment is a part of their own mind.

In psychology there is a concept known as the ‘Locus of control’. Locus of control is defined as an individual’s belief system regarding the causes of an experience and the variables to which that person attributes success or failure. Sound confusing? The concept is divided into 2 categories: Internal and external. If an individual has a more internal locus of control then that person is more likely to attribute personal success to their own individual abilities. An internal locus of control empowers individuals to experience themselves as able to influence outcomes that affect them. In a therapeutic context this is an important tool as it gives an individual the ability to recognise that when they make a mistake or something negative happens within their life that they take a courageous outlook to make sure it doesn’t happen again or learn from it to become wiser or better equipped for next time. I would term this psychological resilience.

Persons with an external locus of control will be more likely to attribute their success or failure to luck or fate. External locus of control disempowers people to engage with learning as they see so much of their current success or failure as something outside of themselves. They are essentially hopeless in situations that they perceive as negative or hurting as they lack the knowledge of responsibility that would run through an internal locus of control individual. People with a more external locus of control will be more prone to anxiety disorders as well as other mental health problems as they fall into constant negative cycles of social or romantic situations where they are reminded how life is ‘unlucky’ or ‘cruel’ and their is nothing they can do about it.

The ever rising rates of mental illness in our teenage generations is, in my opinion, a result of us losing the value in teaching our children how to recognise the power that can be found within making a mistake, having something ‘bad’ happen to you or experiencing something cruel. It is in these moments that an internal locus of control finds the courage in taking action to learn, to bolster their defences, to engage with life by improving one’s physical and psychological abilities so that you essentially mature and grow as an adult. Lets be clear, this isn’t about denying any emotional response to pain, hurt or suffering. Emotions need to be expressed, but once they have come and gone the hurt individual would do well to be taught that they have a power within themselves to learn from this event.

Picture of a man walking in a forest confronted by a ghost

So much of therapy is in engaging an individual with the sense that whatever horrific things have happened to them that their is something valuable to learn, maybe even something valuable to give back to the world to hopefully stop that situation or cruelty happening again.

Within my clinical practice i use talking therapies to analyse an individual’s circumstance and then write prescriptions using herbs that not only deal with the underlying physical issues but also engage a patient to take action within their life so that they develop an attitude that control can be regained. It can be quite amazing to behold when patient’s begin to learn the momentum that exists within their own bodies when they start to view life with an excitement again and really self-develop.

Often the clues for how or why an individual may suffer more with an external locus of control is due to childhood experiences. Especially when parents or care-givers are the abusers as these are the people who are often the first ones we look to for support in reminding us we have a power, we have a responsibility. The message in those situations is that you have no power and you might as well always give up as that is always what you have known, so why change?

The truth is that you can change at any age, no matter how powerless you think you are. The fear of bad things happening again diminishes as the locus of control switches from external to internal. Anxiety, depression and mental illness begin to improve and vitality returns as the patient faces life with a stronger attitude and conscious approach towards the inevitable sufferings of life. They have hopefully become wiser, more resilient and clear about the way forward. So ask yourself right now….. what are my core beliefs surrounding negative circumstances? Do you recognise how this may be holding you back in life? Maybe even making you sick? Research shows us that moving towards a more internal locus of control is better for our health and vitality, you might need some help getting there.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558

EMAIL: jonnyapothecary@gmail.com

SKYPE: jonnysapothecary