Interview with medical herbalist Dr Tom O'Brien

I was interviewed recently by the herbalist Dr Tom O’Brien on my clinical work with men, masculine archetypes, men’s health and psychology for his YouTube channel.

We openly discuss our experiences of what it means to be a man and our observations of how men play different roles in our society.

Listen to it and let me know what you connect with. Please share it with men in your life who may be looking for help or answers on a subject they may have not heard of before.

For more information on Dr Tom O’Brien and his extensive YouTube video offerings then click HERE

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Hayfever

“I've had terrible hayfever since my teens and I was prescribed nasal spray, eye drops and antihistamine tablets which never worked. Every year my eyes would be on fire with itchiness, nose running and sneezing all over the place. I just got used to summer being the time where I felt I had a constant cold and I constantly felt lethargic with it. Sitting in the garden and being outdoors in the beautiful weather was becoming unbearable at times. I then decided to try Jonny as he and a friend told me about their experiences with hayfever and how his medicine had helped. I have now been drinking the fresh tea everyday and taking a tincture when it's really bad for about a month now and I feel so much better! I can't believe how much better this is than the medicine I have previously been prescribed! I am so excited to see how this works over time and hopefully one day I will be hayfever free, but for the moment I am over the moon with the results . Anyone who suffers with hayfever I can definitely reccommend Jonny and his amazing work! Thanks Jonny! 😊”

Paige was experiencing good health in comparison to most of the patients that consult with me. However, Hayfever had plagued her for many years with very little help from conventional prescription medication.

We had a short consultation and a daily herbal tea was prescribed to help modulate the immune system and the inflammatory response. A herbal tincture was also prescribed to consume during days out and flare ups. The combination is mostly a traditional formula which proved effective within weeks of use.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Fatigue, Poor Focus and Concentration

“What I really love about Jonny is the level of passion and enthusiasm that goes into the work he does. A premium service for a modest and affordable price.

Anyone can accumulate knowledge, but it takes real skill and talent to use and apply it in a way that helps other people and makes a lasting positive impact.

He is highly responsive to feedback and always looking to ensure the best experience. Delivery of tinctures and herbs is timely and goods are well packaged.

For me, the effects of the medicine were subtle at first. Rather than being a "quick fix", it took a little time to build up some momentum. A few months later, it is very clear that there have been significant improvements.

It does require that you look at and make changes to your lifestyle where necessary in order to support the process, and as such Jonny will explore with you what it is that might need adjusting.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Jonny to anyone that is looking for real change and not just a temporary solution / management of symptoms.”

Joe Million (UK)

Joe consulted with me for help with post-meal fatigue and suspected blood sugar imbalances. We analysed his history, specifically the last few years, to find the reasons as to why his body was stuck in a certain pattern.

After creating theories for the root cause I prescribed Joe a unique formulation of herbs that have not only increased his energy profile, but helped improve much needed focus and concentration for his busy work schedule and business.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Acne, Addiction, Depression and Anxiety

“It is with deeply felt gratitude that I am writing about my herbal journey and the healing that Jonny has brought into my life.

As I started, I lacked a sense of self and my connection with my masculine energies. Moreover, I lacked clear boundaries in general.

The symptoms were a truly messed up biome in my guts which lead to more mental and physical issues.

On the one hand, I had terrible acne, which reminded me of the wounds and inflammations which not yet have healed.

On the other hand, I was displaying a lot of spiritually incontinent behaviour such as eating lots of sugary food and having lots of casual sex.

Having no orientation but the certainty that my life had to change in some way, I lived in constant fear.

The process: The first appointment that I had with Jonny seemed very similar to the experience which I had with my former therapists. 

As a result, I was a little sceptical since a lot of issues I still had not been able to resolve yet through psychoanalytical and behavioural therapy which I already had made at that point.

So I got my first tincture a few days later, and I was no longer allowed to have caffeine after the morning.

My old way of life came to an end and there now was a big free space which I needed to integrate into my new life.

Through all of this, Jonny provided me with sound advice and new and healthy modes of being and coping mechanisms.

My fear transformed into anger, and I finally got the energy required to end my life in the comfort zone and entering the new and fruitful territory.

I joined a men's group and thus felt a sense of belonging and started to not only help myself but also helping others and became an active member of society.

Also my skin not just looked better, but it became less and less itchy, and I started to like the man I saw in the mirror.

Especially in such times of profound changes, we need a pure and strong basis upon which we can build our lives.

Jonny has helped me to do exactly that.

I assure you that he is worth every penny you will spend on him because:

  • He is committed to his work.

  • He is honest with his patients.

  • He is genuinely open-minded and wants to get a better understanding of his patients.

  • He delivers his work on time.

  • He keeps all his promises.

  • He wants to see his patients flourish.

  • He is understanding of his clients' issues and challenges.

  • He is joyful when he sees his patients succeed in life.

So if you are still struggling with issues, you have not been able to cope with get your free trial on his website and get a taste of what your life could be!”

Paul (Germany)

Paul was referred to me by a previous patient who recommended he work with me. We connected over Skype and Paul decided he wanted to commit to my program. We went through an analysis of his physical and psychological symptoms, trying to understand how his past history and current situation are all connected.

Alongside the herbal support Paul was open to engaging in numerous activities, challenges or tasks to help nudge him into a more authentic, vulnerable and ultimately integrated place. I witnessed the transformation from start to finish as he became healthier, fitter, stronger and ore aligned with a greater purpose in life.

Paul, you are a courageous man and I wish you well on your path.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Chronic fatigue, depression, migraines and menopausal mood swings

“OMG! What a guy! When I had my first consultation with Jonny 4 months ago, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! I was depressed, sleeping 18-20 hours per day, hardly left the house, suffered with migraines 2 to 3 times per week, had no energy, suffered terribly with menopausal mood swings, had no confidence and was feeling incredibly low! I didn’t believe him when he said he could help me, after all, the medical system could barely keep my symptoms under control! I’d almost given up! Jonny put me on a gentle but firm herbal medicine, fast forward to today, I’ve started my own business, stood as a prospective parliamentary candidate and work out with a PT 2 to 3 times a week! Is he cheap? You might ask. Well that depends on your perspective! What price is your health worth to you? What do you spend on that Starbucks you just gotta have each day? His medicine and consultations works out at less than £5 per day. Is my health worth that to me? Totally! Jonny, I can’t recommend you highly enough and I’ll happily use your medicine for the rest of my life!!”

Sarah (UK)

Sarah had been visiting her doctor on and off for some time. Struggling to find answers for a long list of symptoms following the start of the menopause. Her chronic fatigue, low mood and energy was disabling. Leaving her with very little time in the day to do anything.

We began our consultation by taking a very thorough and detailed history of her past and present. The herbs quickly got to work as her weekly migraines stopped, followed shortly after by an increase in energy and mood. Needing far less sleep. This has eventually culminated in her coming off her migraine pills and anti-depressants. More recently her body is now creating enough energy that she is able to go back to the gym.

Sarah is proof that herbs can work at any point in life with dramatic effects. Well done Sarah. It has been really rewarding to see you gain your life back.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Podcast interview with Jo Cavalot of DOTTYMOW

Jo Cavalot podcast image

Jo Cavalot is a local Sheffield de-cluttering expert who helps people find tranquility in their homes after being overwhelmed by hoarding. We met recently at a networking event and she invited me to her home to be interviewed about how i work for her podcast channel.

Click on the link HERE to be taken to her podcast channel and press PLAY.

During the 1 hour conversation we speak about:

  • Our personal journeys of transcending our suffering and finding more purpose in life.

  • My work with herbs and how I use them for helping people find their health and prosperity again.

  • Flower remedies and herbal medicine.

  • The difference between conventional healthcare and holistic medicine.

  • Connecting the mind, body, past and present.

  • And much more…….

Jonny and Jo during the podcast

Do you have any questions about anything on my social media platforms or this podcast? Feel free to email me and let’s talk.

Jo’s website can be found at

Please invite me to a podcast that you run and let’s talk……

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Change of location for Sheffield clinic

Unfortunately I will no longer be offering consultations from Breathe studios by the botanical gardens. Face-to-face consultations will now be held at:

S2 3AA

This is still an appointment only service so please call/text/email to book in.

Sheffield clinic with massage table

The clinic is in Heeley with plenty of ample parking around the clinic or within the business park where it is located. We have access to a large room with a massage table for examinations.

Consultations in Manchester are still at the same clinic as well as my online patients being unaffected by this move. Availability is always Tuesday to Saturday. I never answer calls or engage in herbal communications outside of these days.

Hope to see you soon…..

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Anxiety and depression

“My first meeting with Jonny now seems serendipitous and has been a blessing ever since. I initially met Jonny when he kindly allowed me to me sit in on some of his consultations as part of my acupuncture degree.

I’ve always had a fascination with herbal medicine but seeing Jonny work really opened my eyes to how these plant medicines can make profound changes in a person. What amazed me the most was how the medicine can have such an effect upon mental states and motivation (coupled with Jonny’s care and attention).

Shortly after this first observation visit with Jonny I decided I would try this medicine out for myself to see if it could help with what now seems like surface level issues. I believe my main complaint was acid reflux and general digestive issues, but through further questioning it became clear that it was my mental state that needed addressing. Jonny expertly weaved through the initial physical complaint and began to delve deeper within me to see what was really going on.

Without going in to too much personal detail, I will say that the medicine did and continues to have profound effects upon me. My mental health has been the most stable that I can remember and my motivations are much clearer.

Furthermore, I don’t believe I would have gotten through my first year at university without the help of Jonny and his herbs. I was experiencing anxiety so acute at times that I felt completely frozen and at it’s mercy.

Jonny will help you in every which way he can, but you have to work with Jonny and the herbs. There is an aspect of personal responsibility/action in the therapeutic relationship to get the most from this medicine. He’ll explain the actions of the herbs, histories associated with them, peer reviewed studies and any other questions you may have associated with your medicine. There is no ambiguity with your prescription and Jonny is well versed in his craft which ultimately leaves you feeling empowered.

If you’re considering seeing Jonny then I can’t recommend him highly enough but you really need to witness the magic for yourself. Herbal medicine has been incredibly beneficial to me and I’ve seen first hand how it has helped the lives of others.

He has helped me to crystallise what it is I want from my life, continually inspires and provides vision for what I am striving for for when I graduate.”

Jamie (UK)

Jamie originally came to see me as a student. To sit in and observe how I work. His inquisitive nature led him to feel pulled into sitting in the patient chair himself and sharing his vulnerabilities. We quickly identified areas of his life that needed attention that he had not quite seen for himself.

His herbal prescription gave him the energy and support needed to make the changes necessary to bring about a calmer more resilient mindset. One that now experiences far less anxiety than it used to. I am sure Jamie will continue to grow and evolve into the man he has now seen ahead of him, the one I could see myself when we first consulted.

Patient Testimonial: Severe depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and fatigue

“When I first came to Jonny for treatment I had quite severe depression and really unpredictable energy levels. I had lost all confidence from having such a low mood and my business had taken the brunt of me never being able to find enough energy to carry out the work that needed to be done. I was also battling with PTSD from a couple of past experiences, amongst which included grief. All in all I wasn't in a good way and I couldn't imagine how vastly the treatment I received would change my life for the better. I still don't to this day even really understand how it worked and am still finding small clues that I am continuing on an upward trajectory months after the treatment has ended. It really has been quite magical.

It has taken me quite a long time to write my testimonial as I have found it hard to put into words the amazing care that Jonny puts into his work and also how grateful I am for his ongoing support. I have gone from being totally lost in the dark to having a warm, bright light shine into all areas of my life that has come from all the plants along the journey.

It took a little while of calming my body down out of its highly stressed state and then slowly the treatments evolved into giving me physical strength and confidence to carry on. Each month a different collection of plants to cater to the changing landscape. I have now managed to move out of depression and I no longer suffer from PTSD. And as for my energy levels, well I have managed to set up my business to be more functional, creative and abundant than ever before!

Alongside the monthly therapy I had with Jonny I also went to a weekly counsellor to talk through everything that was coming up through the process of healing. I would highly reccomend doing this as it meant I was constantly healing each emotion and pattern, confronting it all head on. Jonny is a very good person to talk to; he is warm, open and understanding of even the smallest experiences you might feel you need to talk about. He really understands how to work with the herbs in a unique way for each person, to bring you out of your shell and direct you on a path that brings you into alignment with yourself.”


This patient came into clinic suffering with an array of mental health problems that were causing them to suffer. Deep wounds of the past were interfering with everyday life and stopping this patient from fully delving into their business and self-employment.

The patient responded rapidly to treatment and whilst it was obviously very challenging having to visit memories of the past, it needed to happen so that those memories could be efficiently processed and integrated back into the psyche.

This was clearly a profound healing journey with which an incredible expansion of creativity, business momentum, improvement in mood and a more gentle, calm perception of the past came shining through. It was a very touching transformation to witness.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Depression, low body temperature and irregular periods

I had pushed myself to the limits - I had become volatile, sad, depressed and hopeless. Miserable. Really, it wasn’t fun to be alive, every day I was afraid of myself. What doom would I bring upon myself or those around me? Physically, I always felt cold (even during the summer time), my periods had become irregular as well as the fact that I had become too skinny. 

A friend told me about herbal medicine. I was curious. I am a firm believer that conventional and complementary treatments can work well together, that way a person has more choice and freedom over their health. This time, the conventional way wasn’t helping me, I wasn’t taken seriously. That’s when I got in touch with Jonny, I needed my health and sanity back.

Jonny is extremely knowledgeable, non-judgmental, but still firm in his approach. He is what one imagines, when one thinks of a wise health practitioner. Jonny usually explains how a herb works, which might appeal and reassure those who are more sceptical of herbalism. It can feel liberating to be aware what truly is in the medicine (tincture, tea, powder) you consume. 

It’s been 2 years now. The journey has lead me to feel more self acceptance, a increased warmer body, slow but steady weight gain and a lot more happier outlook on life. When my mood dips, I don’t destroy my relationships, I don’t quit my job, I don’t self harm. I am able to put on a nice upbeat song and dance my way out of the blues. I dance and stretch again! I love my job, I am able to express myself to the people around me, if something is wrong. My journey is not over, I am getting better and better every day, and there’s still space for more improvement.

I am amazed by the power of the herbs.

I can only be thankful and grateful to Jonny and the Herbs.

Eve (UK)

Eve was in a deep state of prolonged depression and sensitive mood swings when we first consulted. Her body was beginning to slow down with fatigue, whilst negative thinking patterns were keeping her locked into a cycle of suffering. Not only this, but her periods had been irregular for some time. With herbs and constant exploration of feelings, emotions, past events and childhood experiences we managed to unravel things slowly. Her drive and focus began to shine through the more her life began to improve. Culminating in many powerful lifestyle changes that now feed more joy and passion into her life. Well done Eve. It has been an incredible transformation over the last 2 years.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Anxiety, depression, weight-loss and confidence

“Before I started working with Jonny, I had dropped out of university and generally felt miserable about my life in general, that I wasn’t going anywhere and was wasting my talents, but I was stuck in a rut I couldn’t get out of. No self confidence, unhappy with my physical or mental states, I never really felt comfortable talking about myself and my problems to anyone, so I kept it inside most of the time.

Initially I was sceptical about seeing Jonny but I’m glad my worries were baseless. The herbal medicines he gave me were tailored to my symptoms and changed month to month as my treatment progressed.

Since I started working with Jonny, taking the time to do the simple and sensible things he recommended, taking the herbal medicines that he made specifically for me and exploring honestly the reasons why I think and act the way I do, I feel like I’ll actually be able to take the next steps in life and not just wishing that I could: university, a proper career, overcoming deeply ingrained bad habit loops that stop me meeting new people and doing new things.

Jonny managed to get me to open up about things I’ve hidden for years, things that formed the bedrock of my anxieties and fears. Now, I finally am able to recognise and deal with them as they come up: the habits are hard to break, but I am finally equipped mentally to overcome them.

Jonny is so easy to talk to, I couldn’t believe some of the stuff I was saying in our consultations. It’s not easy to admit your failings, but he has a great empathy for people and helps you use those negative experiences as learning opportunities, not the failures you think they are.

I’m going back to university in September, have lost lots of weight and generally am feeling more confident in myself and my abilities than I can ever remember. I have clear goals and career ambitions for the first time, not just a vague outline of a plan that I could use to put off actually thinking about it. I’m glad that Jonny was recommended to me and I would recommend him to you.”

Chris Meredith (UK)

Chris was feeling trapped with his old patterns of behaviour that were stopping him from progressing in life. He was open about his scepticism of herbs and my coaching process but quickly started to see positive changes once we found what herbs and lifestyle changes he responded to. Chris has achieved all of the goals and targets we set out from day 1, plus many more he did not know were part of our 6 month journey.

Chris’s confidence, mental health and courage have improved significantly. I wish you all the best with going back to university to continue on your new path of success and independence.

Patient Testimonial: Digestive disturbance including pain and belching. Cold legs and difficulty getting to sleep

“I first saw Jonny in January, 2019. His gentle yet analytical approach enabled me to sort through the maze of issues i was facing so that the most pressing problems were brought to the surface to be dealt with. I have had severe belching for years. This occurs usually as I settle down to sleep. It can continue for 2 hours and sometimes longer. Although changing my diet can alleviate the symptoms, it does not remove them. That is until I used Jonny’s herbs and my symptoms subsided dramatically. I still experience belching but is only usually now after eating too late or consuming inappropriately sized meals. It is however, a huge relief.
I have also suffered from cold legs for years. The coldness used to begin above my sacrum, spread across my buttocks and down my legs stopping at my ankles. It wasn’t circulation. It wasn’t temperature. I have had this symptom in Greece in 90 degrees! The coldness is much worse at night and prevents me sleeping as it brings with it a feeling of restlessness and irritation. When I met Jonny other treatments had reduced the extent of the coldness so that it appeared centred in my calves. After taking Jonny’s herbs I rarely experience this disturbing feeling now,
As I write, although the relief from the other symptoms I have described has been immense, there is no richer feeling than lying down in my comfy bed, closing my eyes, and sleeping almost immediately.
That is what the herbs have enabled me to do.”

Pam Hardy (UK)

Pam had a myriad of symptoms and health problems that were difficult to live with and understand. Her belching was keeping her awake at night, which was fueling restless sleep, leading to fatigue and further stress. Her lower limbs were also very cold. With herbs, coaching and lifestyles changes we managed to unravel a lot of these problems and treat them accordingly. Many symptoms have disappeared with only the belching stubbornly remaining, albeit only after a meal at a much more manageable level than before.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Herbs to improve your gut health

I often get asked at events or parties about specific herbs for specific problems. I often go into discussing how I (and many other herbalists) don’t work like how your doctor works. We tend to prescribe a concoction of different herbs (anywhere from 5-20 in my case) for each client. Every month the prescription is tweaked and changed to keep improving the function of the mind and body. Once i have said my piece on how i actually work with plants i then go onto discuss certain herbs for whatever problem people unveil to me.

Gut health is a hot topic at the moment with plenty of media outlets reporting on the advances in understanding the microbiome. As well as lots of coverage into the debilitating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disorder. Below i have listed the different herbs used in herbal medicine for treating specific issues of the gut.

Hydrochloria (Low stomach acid) and indigestion

Herbs that help increase stomach acid, bile and digestive enzyme production are classed as bitters. Bitters work by stimulating bitter receptors in the mouth that then go on to stimulate the autonomic nervous system into helping prepare digestive organs. Producing a number of reactions associated with more efficient digestion of food. Best consumed as an alcoholic extract aka tincture.

Bitters include - Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum), Gentian Root (Gentiana lutea), Dandelion Root (Taraxacum oficinale), Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium)

Dandelion Flower (Taraxacum officinale). Herbalist's use the root as a bitter remedy to improve liver, gallbladder and digestive enzyme function.

Dandelion Flower (Taraxacum officinale). Herbalist's use the root as a bitter remedy to improve liver, gallbladder and digestive enzyme function.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Belching and gas

Herbs that help with bloating are classed as carminatives. Carminatives are rich in volatile oils that help contribute towards peristalsis. They sooth and settle the gut wall and the surrounding smooth muscle so that trapped gas can be moved.

Carminatives include - Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Mint (Mentha piperita), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Ginger (Zingiber oficinale), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)


Herbs that help contribute towards bowel movements are known as laxatives. Laxatives stimulate contractions of the muscles that line the colon or work by bulking the stool by drawing water into the colon.

Stimulating laxatives include - Burdock (Arctium lappa), Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus)

Bulking laxatives - Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis), Psyllium seed (Plantago psyllium)

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria). Seen here without the yellow flower. Use the leaf as a tea or tincture for loose stools.

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria). Seen here without the yellow flower. Use the leaf as a tea or tincture for loose stools.


Herbs that help with loose stools or diarrhea are known as astringents. They contain a high volume of a constituent known as a ‘tannin’. Tannins work by binding protein molecules together, lowering inflammation and creating a barrier against infection.

Astringents include - Oak Bark (Quercus spp), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria).

Other actions for the gut include herbs which help fungal, parasitic or bacterial infections as well as herbs that work on the human stress response. The function of the gut is autonomic and responds to herbs that work with hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA/Human stress response).

There are many other actions that herbs have which exert an effect on the gut. Most of the above have the largest evidence base for their reported medicinal effects.

Oak leaf (Quercus spp). Herbalist’s use a tincture of the bark for severe diarrhea.

Oak leaf (Quercus spp). Herbalist’s use a tincture of the bark for severe diarrhea.

Sometimes you may find that simple herbs on there own can offer relief. But complex, chronic health problems often involve working with somebody that understands how to offer herbal prescriptions that offer a formula which works on an array of issues. Problems with digestion often go together with mental health issues, autoimmune diseases and skin disorders. It can feel like a minefield trying to work all this out on your own. Find somebody you trust and try not to focus too much attention on one particular symptom or problem. Rather try to see how it might all be connected.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Low mood

“I contacted Jonny under the guise of suffering with very swollen lower legs but during my first consultation I found myself talking about how low my mood was. Jonny made me feel so comfortable that I talked and cried freely.  He nudged me to explore why topics brought out particular emotions and encouraged me to consider why these were triggers. Quickly we recognised how my fear and reluctance to make changes to myself challenged the role others expect of me. During my first few months of treatment I drew courage from the supportive (but challenging) space of Jonny’s consultations and made significant changes including changing my job. I no longer feel like a square peg in a round hole. The impact has been noticeable especially within the toxic relationships that I was able to recognise and change my reaction to. 

In short I have been able to reflect on my issues in a supportive environment and make changes that I felt in control of but never thought that I would have the courage to make. 

Thank you” 

Amy (UK)

Amy came to see me following a referral. We went through areas of her life that were causing distress and approached them with courage and determination. Big changes in her job, relationships and family dynamics on top of her herbal prescription brought about a much needed improvement in mental wellbeing and a clarity of how to make further changes to her health and wellness. It has been a joy to watch these changes bring out the passion in her life again.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Glastonbury Music Festival 2019

I have been invited to work as a medical herbalist at the herbal medicine stall and consultation space at Glastonbury Music Festival 2019.

I will be selling plenty of herbs alongside some of the top herbalists in the country as well as offering acute herbal medicine consultations. The owners of The Nether Edge Herbarium in Sheffield will also be there with me.

Please note that I will not be able to offer any normal herbal service from Sheffield, Manchester or online from Tuesday 25th of June until Tuesday 2nd of July. Please order your herbs or book in for a consultation before or after this time.

And if you are going to Glastonbury then please come and say Hi…….talk to me about herbs and plants!!!

Photo by Joe Green on Unsplash

Photo by Joe Green on Unsplash

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

The Fatigue Super Conference

Not to be missed by anyone looking for extra help battling fatigue. The online Fatigue Super Conference is running from June the 10th - June 17th.

The conference has been created by Alex Howard, the founder of the Optimum Health Clinic in London. One of the world’s leading clinics for treating ME & CFS.

Gain access to the daily talks FOR FREE by signing up at:

The conference has a collection of the worlds top holistic, integrative and functional practitioners from around the world who all specialise in fatigue and the various connected issues that come with it.

I will be logging in as often as i can and taking notes to help with my own continuous practitioner development. Fatigue is often a major symptom that many of my patients suffer with and the cause is always different. For some it is resolved with better digestion, whilst others need help improving organs associated with detoxification. Whatever the problem is i always try to use herbs, nutrition and lifestyle changes to get to the core of the problem.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Absent/Irregular Periods and low mood

I went to see Jonny after looking for a herbalist for a few months.  I'd tried a range of conventional and complementary treatments for absent/irregular periods. My condition was affecting my mood, attitude and skin and I was keen to explore a fresh approach.

Jonny's passion for the power of herbal medicine is beautiful to witness and made me feel confident in the process. I was advised at the start of our consultation that it would likely be an emotional and potentially lengthy journey. A year on I can say that this was very true and I've learnt a lot about myself along the way. I've had a dramatic improvement in my periods and my hormone balance. I've also let go of some past hurts and feel more open to adventure, love and new paths.

I found the consultations to be an opportunity to explore my current choices, relationships and beliefs and how this may link to the symptoms I was experiencing. Jonny explained how my condition may have developed as a result of life events and my attitude towards myself and others.  He also explained how each of the plants/herbs used would impact on my system by telling me their unique qualities. I found this part of the consultations really helpful and interesting. The tinctures prescribed were taken twice a day and their effects were felt both physically and emotionally. I also tried some tea made from a variety of herbs and flowers.

I enjoyed the process of personal consultations and found that a slight adjustment in each new tincture enabled changes in my system as well as new insights. I'm currently enjoying a more regular cycle, clearer skin and lower blood pressure. I'm sure the process will be ongoing and I trust that things will continue to improve for me.

I'd recommend Jonny if you are seeking plant medicine for absent or irregular periods; he is an expert in his work and will support you along your journey with empathy and understanding. 


This patient was becoming more and more frustrated with conventional approaches to her health problems. We spent time covering numerous issues to do with childhood experiences, relationships and her blood pressure which was quite high. The patient responded well to herbs and although it hasn’t been a straight forward path to recovery she has persevered to finally find a real place of balance with her monthly cycle and mood. I am very grateful for the trust and openness this patient placed in me with such a program.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Patient Testimonial: Depression, Suspected Oestrogen Dominance and Post-Traumatic Injury Rehabilitation

“My journey with Jonny started a long time before I took the first medicine. A very good friend of mine told me months before, how great her results with the herbs were. That the herbs changed her whole life and that she never wants to be without them again. But being a very skeptical person in general, I first didn’t believe her. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe HER but more that I couldn’t imagine how herbs should change your life this way. For us lawyers things must be logical, explainable and most important rational. But that’s what herbs are not - for sure. 

By the time I was listening to my friends success story with the herbs and her experiences, I found myself in the worst situation of my life. I had just survived a severe motorcycle accident and was struggling with pretty much everything in my life. I was in a huge deep depression - not meeting anybody, not talking to anybody, and worst of all I was physically and mentally in a very bad condition. After I hit rock bottom I finally decided to contact Jonny because I thought it couldn’t get any worse anyway. The first magical thing of many that happened just within our first meeting was - that I trust that this person 100%. And believe me, trust is an issue with me. :) 

Our first consultation was maybe one hour and I talked like we knew each other for years. Jonny has an understanding and a very good sense for people - their needs and their problems. He really feels your situation even though it’s maybe a female thing. He knew right away what I was suffering and tried to feel into my situation. The fact that our consultation was in English - I’m not a native speaker and we talked over Skype - was no problem at all. I felt more understood and secure then with some other doctor I was seeing face-to-face. 

What happened afterwords was really a miracle. Sometimes I still can’t believe what really happened and how the herbs changed my life. I came to see Jonny with physical issues - and he changed my life with all my mental issues. With my mental issues all of my physical issues disappeared. Not only the symptoms but my whole life changed in a way I can’t really describe. Being a very impulsive, loud, strong, and pushing person - demanding a lot from myself and from all people in my life I became the most calm and relaxed person I could imagine. I learned to deal with myself, with everything in my life and with everyone in my life. I learned to set boundaries, to respect myself, to respect my body and to respect my life. Moreover and maybe most important I learned that all my physical issues are connected to my mental state of mind. 

I don’t want to put it wrong. My life isn’t perfect now. There are still problems hitting me, my life, all the people in my life, my family and all the connected circumstances. But the thing I learned with the herbs is to deal with them, without breaking every single time. During the time with the herbs I changed my job, I moved to two different apartments and had several relationships end but walked through it very calm and controlled. My life still has ups and downs, but I learned to handle it and I learned to solve it. 

So, to come to an end - if you ask me what the herbs changed? They changed everything! I can’t really tell you what but what I know for sure is that I’m not the same person I was before. Jonny is a master of his job and he knows the herbs very well, he knows his job and he became my herbalist but moreover my therapist over the past year. I thank God I got to know him because somehow he and his herbs saved my life.”

Tihana Dragic

Tihana has progressed rapidly with herbs. Discovering how her body and mind are intricately connected. This patient was a little skeptical about herbs and how I work but we quickly created a safe container with which profound changes have filtered through to her life. Her mood, monthly cycle and post-motorbike accident symptoms (there was a list of unexplained, chronic sensations and symptoms) have all improved with the past year of treatment. I have great respect for the courage Tihana has shown in engaging with herbs and therapy in dealing with her medical problems.

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

New Sheffield Clinic at Breathe Pilates

After 12 months of business at Kelham Arcade I have left and now moved the clinic to Breathe Pilates & Injury Rehabilitation Studios.

This is a much needed re-think/re-shape of the business to accommodate a different path. One that now includes fatherhood as I am expecting a baby in October. So lots to prepare for.


All face-to-face consultations in Sheffield will be held at:
Breathe Pilates and Injury Rehabilitation Studios
85 Clarkehouse Road
S10 2LG

Consultations in Manchester and online are not affected by the move.

Breathe Logo

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary

Foraging for Spring medicine and food

With Spring looking like it has arrived early this year in the UK, maybe it’s time for you to start foraging for wild foods and/or medicine?

Britain is packed full of early Spring plants that can be eaten raw or with minimal preparation to maximise your intake of nutritious plant vitamins, minerals and phytoconstituents. You don’t usually have to look far to find them, even in the city. Although finding plants to forage that are clean, unpolluted and safe to eat usually involves escaping the city a little.

Why should you eat wild plants?

Well wild plants seed themselves through the process of nature, using very little if any human intervention. Wild plants are said to contain much higher amounts of vitamins, minerals and medicinal compounds than conventionally grown food (usually sprayed with chemicals).

I believe that regular consumption of wild plants is good for the heart as searching for them helps you connect more with nature and gets you out of the house. It is also fun!

So what is out there?

Right now there are a few things to look out for, but with each week into March, spring food and medicine will rapidly emerge. For now, have a look out for:

Crataegus laevigata (Hawthorn)

Hawthorn Leaves

The leaf buds are currently opening and make a wonderful juicy, leafy snack. Pick and eat on the spot or bring home for use as a salad. We have a window of about 4-5 weeks whilst all the buds open to reveal the light green leaves before they start to go darker and become more bitter and inedible.

Difficult to mistake with anything poisonous. Look out for the familiar 5 finger leaf shape.

Used in herbal medicine to lower blood pressure, help with anxiety and improve mood. I find the leaf particularly helpful for hot flushes in peri-menopausal women.

Gallium aparine (Cleavers)

Galium aparine (Cleavers)

Cleavers have started to appear already in my local park and are easily identified by their thin, long stalk with the 6 leaves spreading out every few centimetres. The tiny white flowers come out over summer and the seeds in late summer, early autumn.

This plant is super juicy and can be eaten raw or put through a blender or juicer. It is a popular remedy for lymphatic drainage. I have used it successfully in helping patient’s with Hepatitis who have painful raised Lymph nodes. A simple tea of this Spring plant, consumed for a few days, cleared Lymph nodes after many years of pain and soreness under the ears.

You might remember this plant as a child due to it being thrown at people and watching its hooks sink into clothing. Many British school-children have played with this plant.

Urtica dioica (Nettles)

Urtica dioica (Nettles)

Nettles are highly prized for their medicinal qualities. Especially for seasonal allergies, arthritis and anaemia. But did you know they can be eaten raw? If you approach the leaf from underneath and move your fingers up and in, closing the leaf above with a pincer grip then you can usually close the top of the leaf and fold it up without getting stung. Then place the parcel into the back of your mouth and chew.

Or otherwise add to a smoothie or put through a blender. My hayfever improved significantly when i started adding nettles to my diet.

Taraxacum oficinale (Dandelion)

Taraxacum oficinale (Dandelion Leaf)

The beloved Dandelion. Hated as a weed. Loved as a foraged food and medicine. The Spring leaves make a tasty snack when used like Lettuce.

Remember that it won’t stay tasty forever. As the year progresses, the leaves become darker and bitter.

The root can be eaten too, but this is often roasted. Roasted Dandelion root makes the perfect coffee alternative. Delicious!

Used in herbal medicine as a diuretic for fluid retention and disorders of the kidney.

Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain)

Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain)

This is a very abundant plant (Not to be confused with the Carribean fruit). Often viewed as a weed when found in your back garden. The leaves can be eaten in salads.

Used in herbal medicine as a wound healing herb for cuts, bites, stings or itchy skin. I use this plant a lot in cases of inflammatory bowel disorders like Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis. It also often used in respiratory disorders with an excessive, dry cough.


Always look for plants away from the road and remember that animal faeces or urine could possibly be on your foraged plants. Wash in clean water if you are concerned. Always forage on private land with the owners permission and use a guidebook if you are worried about picking the wrong plants.

All of the mentioned foods/medicines above are found abundantly throughout the UK and are in excess supply. You will not harm an ecosystem by consuming these plants (provided you don’t pick all the leaves or remove all the plants in an area).

I will be announcing herb walks for Spring soon. So watch out for the planned events!

Jonny Woodall
Medical Herbalist and Flower Essence Therapist
BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine
National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Contact me for help with your health problems and illness

PHONE: +44(0) 7525827558


SKYPE: jonnysapothecary